Friday, January 1, 2010

the new year

The new year has arrived. It is now year 2010. Well..i did not celebrate it at all last night and i also did not have anything planned for it. In fact i slept early after The phone kept receiving new year's sms from people i know. I just glanced thru the messages to know who sent all the messages and then fell back to sleep. New Year celebration does not excite me anymore...i just don't fancy all the fireworks displays and all the singings on TV. Kinda boring.. new year resolution. Have not been thinking of a single one yet. I just want to stay healthy, eat well, be nice to my parents, be happy, having frequent vacations and perhaps meet someone nice and compatible with me. Last year was a bad experience for me, spent the early part of the year in the hospital bed
One highlight of the year was i went to kulumanali my dream place...and that gave me a incident i can never forget ever in my entire life...phew...i wished i shouldnt have gone there nor i did my mba in cbe...i am not going to speak more about that...hope that this year turns to be good..insha alla..keeping my fingers crossed

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